Calibration, Repair, and Certification
Our team of experienced and well-trained service technicians is committed to supporting your calibration, repair, and product certification needs with an unmatched service program at our ISO-certified facilities. 17025 Calibration now available for select instruments.
Take Advantage of On-site Service
Our trained technicians can visit your facility to perform repairs, calibration services, and IQ/OQ/PQ validations.
To schedule on-site service for your AMETEK Brookfield instruments,
contact our on-site group at +60124529066 or email
Testing and Consulting
We offer the following testing and consulting services:
Test and Recommend
Evaluations designed to choose the appropriate AMETEK Brookfield equipment for your application.
Material Sample Testing
Expert analysis testing to determine the material properties of your sample. A detailed report will be provided.
Technical Support
To request technical support for your AMETEK Brookfield products, please contact your local technical support team.
For more information and valuable resources, browse the options available below.